Sunday, May 27, 2007

Right Now All You Have Is Time, Time, Time, But Someday That Time Will Run Out...

...That's the only thing you can be absolutely certain about..."
--Paul Baribeau

So much is going through my mind right now. Everything I've tried to do lately has failed or gone horribly awry: No tour, no definite spot for the show Friday yet, John and Trey are moving tomorrow, I'm a senior and it feels weird, I'm a senior and it feels weird, I'm a senior and it feels weird, I really don't think I'm gonna get drum major (and even if I do it's gonna be awkward...details further down), I think I might end up with a B in Chemistry.

So yea...I'm pretty positive there's no tour for me which sucks, as it was going to be my summer, but whatever. I just need to focus on finding a spot for Friday's show before anything else. Also, I'm hoping attendance will be ok...The past few shows have been total busts...

Johnny and Trey are moving tomorrow. I'm gonna try to go visit them this summer, but it's just gonna be so weird not having them around. They were the people I hung out with most and like that, they're gone. Graduation was pretty sad too, although I did get to see Beth for a few minutes though.

It's so weird being a senior. Time has absolutely flown by. I have no idea what I want to do with my life. College is looming in the distance. What am I going to do? Leslie already told me I'm going to have to play something at graduation, but I don't know what yet. If I have to sing I think I'll just break down and cry right in the middle of whatever it is I'm singing.

Drum major. I really don't think I'm gonna get it, which doesn't surprise me. Mr. Rittenhouse did the tryouts a bit differently this year though. Our audition was in front of the whole band and they got to vote on who they wanted, although Rittenhouse got the final say. I think I got quite a few votes (a majority even), but right after we tried out Mr. Rittenhouse called the section leaders into his office and said "Between Andrea and Eric [two other people trying out], who do you think should get it?" A few people objected to just those two and said I should get it, but their opinions were dismissed. Even if I happen to get it by popular vote it's just not gonna be the same, as Mr. Rittenhouse didn't even consider me to be good enough to be in the running. Whatever I guess. The more deserving person should get it, yes, but it's just kinda disappointing to be totally counted out like that.

As for Chemistry, my final grade was an 88.somethingabove6. I'm hoping he'll bump it up to an A, as my lowest grade beside it is a 97.17 in Honors Lit. If not, so be it...Can't change it now.

But anyway, yea...This past week has been pretty terrible for me. I'm hoping things will shape up soon.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

There's A Monster and It Lives Inside My Chest...

So there's basically just one week of school left. I'm ready for it, but it doesn't feel like I'm gonna be a senior when we get back in the fall. This summer is gonna be pretty awful though, I can already tell. No tour, AP work, normal work, all my friends are moving, band camp, very few shows (although that could be changed). Yargh. Not really looking forward to it. But Chemistry will be over and that's a good thing.

I finally caved under the pressure of like 20 people and decided to try out for drum major. We haven't done anything hard yet, but I'm not really looking forward to what's to come. I don't really want to be drum major, but I feel like I need to at least try out for both my and the rest of the band's sake, as the other people trying out would make band very un-fun and strict. We're having another tryout / lesson thing Friday until around 4:15-ish. That's also the day of Adam and AJ's going away party in Habersham. I'm hoping that Trey will wait for me to get done before he leaves, but I dunno. He probably will. We'll see, I suppose.

I need to finish up some Chemistry work...I'm a terrible procrastinator. Actually, that would make me an amazing procrastinator. Yargh.

I found out today that my grandmother's illness is permanent. There's something wrong with her lungs that can't be repaired. This is really sad, as she used to always be up and doing something. That's what made her happy. Now all she can do is rest. It's really depressing, but what can one do?

The show yesterday went better than expected in some ways and worse in others. There were about 15 people there. Some people were loud and rambunctious, which sucked, but as far as I know everyone liked the people who played, especially Miles. I noticed nearly everyone there getting a copy of something of his. Patrick signed a bunch of autographs and left little notes to people and seemed to be having fun. He moved probably 15 CD's. After the show, I hadta go to the band concert, but Miles, Patrick, Evan, Kalisa, and everyone else that was left went out to eat then to the cliffs and apparently everyone had a good time. Once that was through Miles, Evan, and Patrick came back to my house and crashed. Good deal. They'll be back next Tuesday!

Well...That's about all that's happening in the world of Dakota right now. Adieu.

Monday, May 14, 2007

If You Can't Find Out What It's All About Then You Might As Well Be Dead...

Well...No tour for me. Aniston already had their regular folks lined up to go and apparently neither Adam nor AJ had much of any say in anything. I wish 1994 would let me go with them, but I don't really know them well enough so they'd probably for sure say no. I'm pretty sad, as this was gonna be my summer, but oh well. Things happen. I'll deal with it.

I've been in Hayesville all weekend visiting everyone. Used a lot of gas, but it was good seeing everyone again, I suppose...

I got the master copy of the Alcoholic Freshman's album Saturday. It's pretty awesome. I guess you could say it's "OUT NOW!" Only 1 or 2 dollars in person.

Lately I've been feeling like I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown. I've just got so much going on. I'm ready for summer. I'm ready to release records. I'm ready to play shows. I'm not ready for everyone to move off yet. I'm not ready to be a senior. I'm not ready for college. I need to make an A in Chemistry. I need to lose some weight. I need to work on my singing. I need a haircut. People want me to be drum major. People think I'm ridiculously smart, but I'm not. People expect too much out of me. People don't come to shows as much as they used to.

Yargh. I'm exhausted and still need to do homework. Goodbye.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I Just Want Out...I'm Just Going Through the Motions...

Well, the show Saturday didn't go quite as well as expected, but it was still fun. About 20 people showed up. Everyone was pretty attentive until Kalisa started throwing boiled peanuts. That kinda got on my nerves, because Patrick was amazing. He played a new, slow song that made me wanna cry. That song's gonna be on "The Blairsville Sessions". Yes, I'm still planning to release that. Anyway, after the show we all went back to my house to hangout...It was fun. I found out that Pat is moving to Olympia, Washington later this summer though...That means I can't hang out with him whenever I'm in Chicago anymore. :/

In other news, my PayPal account is acting screwwy. I'm trying to set up the pre-order for the new Alcoholic Freshman album, but it's being all weird. Yargh. I should be able to get it all figured out by tomorrow. At least I hope so.

There are 3 shows coming up realllly soon. Tuesday, May 15th -- The Alcoholic Freshman and Patrick Cadaver @ Meeks, Monday, May 21st -- Kill Your Ex and (maybe) An Act of My Own @ Meeks, and Tuesday, May 22nd -- The Alcoholic Freshman, Matt Turner, and Patrick Cadaver @ Meeks.

I sent out my check for getting the new imadethismistake album pressed. I am really, really excited about this release...I should have copies towards the end of this month and they will be 2 bucks from me in person.

I've finally stepped up my game in Chemistry and (hopefully) aced the test today. Huzzah! Hopefully I can do equally as well the rest of the year.

People have talked me into trying out for drum major. I don't think I'll get it and even if I do, I don't really think I'll be too awesome at it, but so many people asked me to, I didn't wanna be a jerk and say no.

Work is dreadfully boring. I hate it. The pay sucks, but it's better than nothing I suppose.

Anyway, I need to be doing Chemistry work. Later.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

You Mean A Lot to Me...Best Friends Forever...

I promised not to tell anyone until it was officially announced, and now that it has been: Taking Lottie Home has broken up. Adam and AJ have decided to go be in NC band Aniston. The tour is still going on and I'm still going, as far as I know. Everyone in the band is still friends with one another, but it was just getting hard to be a band with half of the members still in highschool. I'm going to miss Taking Lottie Home, as they were one of my favorite bands of all time, but I'm looking forward to hearing what's in store for AJ and Adam in Aniston.

I've bombed the past two tests in Chemistry. It's horrible. I'll study and do all the practice problems and seem to get it, but when I get the test I either totally blank out or it's something we haven't directly covered. It's terrible. I really, really need to step it up if I have any hopes whatsoever of getting an A in that class. I'm trying, but it's hard. I think I just have too much on my mind. I'm feeling the same way in Honors Lit, although my grades are remaining steady. I just feel out of touch, lost, if you will. I'm pretty positive I'm going to make an A in there, but still...It's a bad feeling.

Mrs. Batchelor gave us our transcripts today and I am easily within the top 10% of our class. That's cool and all, but I know I could do so much better. I'm beginning to wish I had actually applied myself the past few years, 'cause now I'm noticing that every few points count.

There are new imadethismistake songs up on MySpace from the new album. They sound awesome and I am extremely excited to be a part of the release of "Tomorrow, We Start New". Check 'em out!

Sometime tomorrow I should have the pre-order for "E fatto!" set up. Watch out for that. It'll probably cost about $2.50. $1 - 2 at shows, though.

Show Saturday. redbear., Super Famicom, For My Love, Mr. Microphone...Be there if you can! It's at Meeks Park around 5 and is gonna be awesome.

I need to go into Cobb's Mill and see when they want me to work next. My schedule is blank so I guess I make my own? I could really use the cash to pay for gas and putting out CD's and stuff...

Only 3 weeks left of school after this one. I'm ready for it. I just need to step it up in these last few weeks in order to maintain my A's. There's lots of shows coming up soon...I hope attendance is alright for all of them. I also hope my grandmother gets well soon...She's been sick for awhile now. I need a haircut. I need to lose some weight. I miss some people. I wish Taking Lottie Home hadn't broken up. I need to sell tickets for The Masq. I want a new band. I might buy a drumset this summer. I need to go to YHC and get Spiva's mic back. AP next year is gonna be insane. I'm not tired, but I need to go to bed.