Monday, May 14, 2007

If You Can't Find Out What It's All About Then You Might As Well Be Dead...

Well...No tour for me. Aniston already had their regular folks lined up to go and apparently neither Adam nor AJ had much of any say in anything. I wish 1994 would let me go with them, but I don't really know them well enough so they'd probably for sure say no. I'm pretty sad, as this was gonna be my summer, but oh well. Things happen. I'll deal with it.

I've been in Hayesville all weekend visiting everyone. Used a lot of gas, but it was good seeing everyone again, I suppose...

I got the master copy of the Alcoholic Freshman's album Saturday. It's pretty awesome. I guess you could say it's "OUT NOW!" Only 1 or 2 dollars in person.

Lately I've been feeling like I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown. I've just got so much going on. I'm ready for summer. I'm ready to release records. I'm ready to play shows. I'm not ready for everyone to move off yet. I'm not ready to be a senior. I'm not ready for college. I need to make an A in Chemistry. I need to lose some weight. I need to work on my singing. I need a haircut. People want me to be drum major. People think I'm ridiculously smart, but I'm not. People expect too much out of me. People don't come to shows as much as they used to.

Yargh. I'm exhausted and still need to do homework. Goodbye.


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