Wednesday, May 02, 2007

You Mean A Lot to Me...Best Friends Forever...

I promised not to tell anyone until it was officially announced, and now that it has been: Taking Lottie Home has broken up. Adam and AJ have decided to go be in NC band Aniston. The tour is still going on and I'm still going, as far as I know. Everyone in the band is still friends with one another, but it was just getting hard to be a band with half of the members still in highschool. I'm going to miss Taking Lottie Home, as they were one of my favorite bands of all time, but I'm looking forward to hearing what's in store for AJ and Adam in Aniston.

I've bombed the past two tests in Chemistry. It's horrible. I'll study and do all the practice problems and seem to get it, but when I get the test I either totally blank out or it's something we haven't directly covered. It's terrible. I really, really need to step it up if I have any hopes whatsoever of getting an A in that class. I'm trying, but it's hard. I think I just have too much on my mind. I'm feeling the same way in Honors Lit, although my grades are remaining steady. I just feel out of touch, lost, if you will. I'm pretty positive I'm going to make an A in there, but still...It's a bad feeling.

Mrs. Batchelor gave us our transcripts today and I am easily within the top 10% of our class. That's cool and all, but I know I could do so much better. I'm beginning to wish I had actually applied myself the past few years, 'cause now I'm noticing that every few points count.

There are new imadethismistake songs up on MySpace from the new album. They sound awesome and I am extremely excited to be a part of the release of "Tomorrow, We Start New". Check 'em out!

Sometime tomorrow I should have the pre-order for "E fatto!" set up. Watch out for that. It'll probably cost about $2.50. $1 - 2 at shows, though.

Show Saturday. redbear., Super Famicom, For My Love, Mr. Microphone...Be there if you can! It's at Meeks Park around 5 and is gonna be awesome.

I need to go into Cobb's Mill and see when they want me to work next. My schedule is blank so I guess I make my own? I could really use the cash to pay for gas and putting out CD's and stuff...

Only 3 weeks left of school after this one. I'm ready for it. I just need to step it up in these last few weeks in order to maintain my A's. There's lots of shows coming up soon...I hope attendance is alright for all of them. I also hope my grandmother gets well soon...She's been sick for awhile now. I need a haircut. I need to lose some weight. I miss some people. I wish Taking Lottie Home hadn't broken up. I need to sell tickets for The Masq. I want a new band. I might buy a drumset this summer. I need to go to YHC and get Spiva's mic back. AP next year is gonna be insane. I'm not tired, but I need to go to bed.


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