Monday, April 28, 2008

I Know He's Probably Twice the Man I'll Ever Be...

...and I know I'm probably half the man you'd ever want.
~Grandfather Clock

Wow, I live a boring life.

I bought a drumkit the other day. I like it, but the cymbals are crappy (I've already warped all of them), and the sticks I'm currently using give me blisters. Oh, and since drums are indeed superloud, I can practice for only a little bit at a time when no one is home. Oh well, though. A worthy investment. I'm glad I bought 'em.

And speaking of buying things, I hate it when people get me stuff. If I want something, I'll pay for it myself or just not have it. I haven't done anything to merit anyone buying me a single thing. I mean, sure, if someone does indeed get me something, I'm gracious and grateful, but I really don't need anything. Besides people to leave me alone for five minutes.

I really don't see why everyone is making a huge deal about high school graduation. If you're going to college, it's not really that huge of an ordeal, is it? Going from one school to another. Whoopdeedo. I'm more excited to quit my crappy job. Everyone is all "CLASS OF '08 WOOHOOHOLYCRAPWERULEAWESOMEISUS," but who cares? It's not like our class has made any lasting differences to anyone. I dunno. Maybe it's a bigger deal if you actually like the people in your class? Or care?

Good thing I don't do either.

I'm officially leaving for Berry on August 17th, classes starting a week-and-a-half later. I think I'm going to get my Bonner hours in at Youth for Christ, but I dunno yet.

There are so many awesome people in my life whose names begin with the letter "B," it's ridiculous! Unfortunately, most of them are now long gone from here. I dunno why I just wrote those last two sentences.

Man, why do I hate all of my songs? Oh yea. Because they're awful.

redbear. and friends are coming through on Wednesday! Come if you can?

I am so confused about so many things right now.

I hate this. And me. But what does it matter? This is the blog of a teenage boy on the internet, and the amount of people who care is less than or equal to zero.


Blogger Ben said...

heh Dakota, more people care about you here than you might think =)

Everyone is excited about graduation because we only get to graduate from High School one why not celebrate? We've worked hard for many years to get to this we're going to make the most of it.

Oh, and my name starts with a B lol.

Cheer up, we're only stuck here for a few more months, then life really begins.

4:02 PM  
Blogger BLITZKRIEG! said...

Gosh Dakota...I feel like I'm watching a mini series when I read your blog. You go from whimsical to indifferent, from random to pointedly candid, in a matter of a sentence or two. I hate it that you HATE IT here. I think we all just need a little time away from each other, a little change of scenery, especially you seniors.

Just do me a favor and don't turn into one of those people who move away from here and spend the rest of their lives trash-talking Bville b/c of some bad memories from high school. Those people bug the heck outta me.

And, if it's any consolation, people suck everywhere you go. That, my dear, is an unavoidable facet of life. AND, to cheer you up EVEN more, guess what else:

Life is just high school with money.

I hate to tell you that, but most of it is. Pure capitalistic bull. My advice: move to Ireland and forget this over-sensationalized life. We're hyper-stimulated enough as it is.

My, I've worked myself into a frenzy.

I'm ready to graduate from this place.

8:52 PM  
Blogger Jduv said...

Hey bro. (this is April's brother). I can't help but comment =D.

Take it from someone who left Blairsvegas, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. While I respect and enjoy returning to my home town occasionally, I think you'll really enjoy Berry. It's a pretty cool change of pace and right down the road from deh ATL (woohoo for some decent venues where good artists actually come).

I date a girl from Berry and I have been up there a couple of times. It's a pretty awesome campus.

And to my dear sister's comment that life is just high school with money, I disagree. Life for me has really opened up after college and high school. I can do things I never dreamed of doing in good old blairsvegas--like play in front of 500 people at a local venue, or hold a job with one of the largest companies in the world. Just hang in there buddy, learn, be smart, and have a game plan. With a little perseverence you'll get what you want, and if you don't know what you wanna do yet just chill out and have fun till you figure it out.


5:38 PM  

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