Monday, March 31, 2008

I Thought I'd Write, I Thought I'd Let You Know...

"...The year since you've been gone, I finally let you go...
--Ben Folds

So, I saw Ben Folds Saturday night. It was pretty awesome. The first half of the set was kind of mediocre, but after that, it was incredible. They weren't supposed to play a certain Dr. Dre cover that they're famous for, but of course, they did anyway. And they didn't get paid because of it. And they knew that beforehand. Awesome, awesome, awesome. Lots of new songs, too. I'm psyched for the new album. Woo!

That's about it. I'm leaving for Chicago on Thursday night. I think I'm getting back the next Thursday? I dunno. I'm looking forward to the 5th, because there's an awesome show that I'm planning to film, and all of my friends from the area will be there plus I'm staying with them. Should be an adventure. Last call (until the next one) for anyone who wants anything.

I still haven't gotten to hang out with Bella, my friend who's visiting from Florida. She doesn't have a cellphone anymore and is on crappy wi-fi so it's kinda hard to communicate, but maybe today?

That's all, really. I'm just bored in third block, as usual. Here's a song by Ben Folds called "Smoke."

Leaf by leaf, page by page
Throw this book away
All the sadness, all the rage
Throw this book away
Rip out the binding, tear the glue
All of the grief we never even knew
We had it all along
Now it's smoke

The things we've written in it
Never really happened
All the things we've written in it
Never really happened
All of the people come and gone
Never really lived
All the people come have gone
No one to forgive - smoke

We will never write a new one
There will not be a new one
Another one, another one

Here's an evening dark with shame
Throw it on the fire
Here's the time I took the blame
Throw it on the fire
Here's the time we didn't speak
It seemed for years and years
Here's a secret
No one will ever know the reasons for the tears
They are smoke

Where do all the secrets live
They travel in the air
You can smell them when they burn
They travel in the air
Those who say the past is not dead
Stop and smell the smoke
You keep on saying the past is not dead
Stop and smell the smoke
You keep saying the past is not even past
You keep saying ...
We are smoke ... smoke ... smoke


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