Saturday, May 31, 2008

I Gotta Go...

"...and you're talking in code
Saying I know where you've been
and I know where you go
but I've been tired from the minute I woke
I stopped listening the moment you spoke
and said I'm long gone yeah...
I'm long gone

And I'm sleeping alone...
in a house I don't own
'cause if you're touring your mind
you'll get lost every time
and you'll sing me sad songs to keep me awake
in that bedroom that we hid away
Baby, I'm long gone.
I'm long gone.

And your voice cracks like a piano
you keep moving...where are you going?
Baby, were long gone
Yeah, were long gone"

~ Margot & the Nuclear So & So's

Ok, so do you ever type up a full blog post and then just decide to not post it? Guess who just did that. It wasn't anything gross or super-personal or anything, it was just something really cynical. Something that I think I'd rather just keep to myself for awhile, because everyone seems so happy right now, and I don't want to be the guy that ruins everything like I usually am.

Maybe I'll post it sometime.

Or maybe not.


Blogger Unknown said...

what the crap dude? nice song btw, but if you don't want to blog you have aids, just say I can get checked. jk.

12:14 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i can't believe i was wrong on so many counts... speaking of the comment I left on another blog. Speaking of blogs, I blogged again.

1:52 AM  
Blogger skye britni said...

Haha, I do that quite frequently, actually. Have you ever went to message someone like something you knew you needed to tell them because it could help them... and like spent idunno... 15 minutes typing it... and then decided what the heck? Because you knew they probably wouldn't listen or care anyways? Yeah, I do that a lot too. haha. Maybe that's only me, though? Oh well.

and yess, 100 Dollar Bills are quite nice. :]

10:49 AM  

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