Saturday, August 11, 2007

It's Time To Go Back Home...

...where the ocean knows me as its own, where I will live and see through the waves, and not let them hold me, try to push them away, but accept them and know their place in the deep black ocean where I'll spend my days being active, brave, and also sitting still. Dancing on nothing is easy when you don't need time to kill. So here is living, striding along upon the train, looking out at the scenery, but not looking down at the track, 'cause there's no time for that.
--Dustin & the Furniture

Well, school has begun. I'm going to have a busy schedule, but I'm actually quite looking forward to the challenge. I have Physics, Advanced Algebra and Trig, Multimedia (ha), and AP Language. It's kind of weird -- I didn't even want Multimedia, everyone in there is an idiot, but I somehow managed to get it BOTH semesters. I think Mrs. Payne had a hand in that because last year when I was in Computer Apps first semester she offered to let me just go straight into it the next semester without taking Business Data Apps or whatever that class is. But yea. Weird. I dunno why she wants me to be in there so bad. Anyway, I'm still doing marching band for anyone wondering, I'm just not in the class. Obviously. But enough about that.

The show scheduled for last Sunday / Monday was a total disaster. ONE person showed up. Thank you Michael Driskell. The show Tuesday was a little better, with a grand total of 7. I actually enjoyed that one being smaller though. It was fun. But that's beside the point. I'm thinking of not doing shows anymore. No one cares, save a handful of people, and I love them for it. It's just tiresome, promoting and promoting and promoting and only getting a handful, and then when they're there all they do is talk. I don't mind paying people out of pocket, which I always do, but it's just not fair for the bands and musicians who put faith in me to set up a decent show getting a crappy crowd. Oh well. I'm gonna try a few more shows and if they bomb, I suppose that's the end. It's sad, but I'm tired of feeling terrible after every show. I just want to make people happy.

Although the shows may be going away, which I hope they...uhhh....don't, Bonfire Club Records will still be kicking. Planned releases as of now: Miles Ramsay / Jon Crocker(?) split CD, Patrick Cadaver CD, Fall '07 Sampler (maybe). I will also be getting buttons and maybe new stickers soon. Well...If I get around to it. And if anyone cares (out of all 2 people that read this. I don't even think it's that many, but who cares?), I still have tons of copies of our other releases. They're all sold at cost. In case you didn't know, that means they're really cheap. So check it out. Or not. Whatever.

I miss all of my friends. My summer was miserable.

My throat is still killing me. I really need to get it checked out in case I'm actually doing some serious damage. My singing voice has really been taking a hit from this and it's really annoying, especially because my singing voice is already pretty terrible. It's really noticeable too, check it if you get bored:

I need something new. This tired cycle has me down. I want to start fresh somewhere new. Make new friends ( with friends...right), meet new people, explore new places, try new things. I wonder how much more I can fit into this crowded, crazy heart...Blah, maybe something monumental will happen soon? Only I don't see it happening in Blairsville. You know, as much as people assume I hate Blairsville, I really don't. I enjoy it here. The scenery is quite nice and I really like the everyone-knows-everyone thing we have going on. Sure, there's never anything to do, but that's how Blairsville needs to be. Lately Blairsville has had me bummed out though. Maybe it's seeing the same faces in the same places following the same routines day after day. Who knows? I think I just need out for awhile.

I'm gone. Later.


Blogger Jenette said...

I foudn you through Krieger's blog--- she's my sister in law. :) I grew up in Bville, and I know what you mean about needing some kind of change, and feeling that it isn't going to happen in your hometown. :) I felt that way once, too, so I went overseas as an exchange student. Best time of my life! And then I left Bville for good, and have regretted it ever since! :) LOL.

Seriously, good blog, I'll be reading more!

7:11 AM  

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