Monday, March 05, 2007

Go For A Ride, Always Got To Come Back, Come Back Now...

Awesome weekend. On Friday, Johnny, Trey, and I went to The Masq to see Taking Lottie Home. They did well as usual. When we went out to the car to follow them back to Habersham, we discover that Jo's car has been towed. So, we go to the towing place and wait 2 hours through all this paperwork and finally we can go home. We get to AJ's house at like 3:30 and go to bed. Unfortunately, we couldn't stop to see Beth due to the car getting towed. I think I'm gonna see her on the 31st though, so that'll be nice.

The next day we went and watched a movie at Chris's house then went to the show. I did merch for TLH all night. AJ also told me that they were bringing me on tour with them in June. I think he was half joking, but if he really was being seriously, I'm down. During their last song though, Johnny, Trey, and I all got to go on stage and sing along / "rock out" with everyone. It was fun. After the show we all went back to Jo's house and just kinda hung out for a bit. Jo's brother's band, A Girl A Gun A Ghost was there too. It was kinda awkward because we didn't really know anyone, but oh well.

We left around noon and got back at like 2. Then I had to go to my grandparents' house to eat dinner. My little cousin was over there and was ridiculously loud. Yagh.

Oh well...All in all, it was an awesome weekend, despite Trey being a diva pretty much the whole time.

Oh, and here are the official rates for the CD's I'm selling...I've decided to sell them for exactly how much I'm paying for them. If anyone wants to give more, that's fine, and if someone's short by a little bit, but still wants something, I'll see what I can do. Also, if anyone wants to hear a track or two off of these releases, lemme know and I'll send some stuff!:

V/A - Yay 4 Cuteness. //// This is a 32 track compilation of "cute" bands. Most of them have female vocalists. It's alright, I suppose. Just like any comp it has some good songs as well as some bad. Comes with a cookie recipe, hand sewn case, button, and finger puppet.

Wax & Wane - Winter. //// Wax & Wane is a neo-folk / experimental band. Pretty cool stuff. It's only three and a half bucks, why not give it a shot? 9 tracks.

Tinyfolk - "Platapeasawallaland" A Rainy-Day Owlbum. //// Tinkyfolk plays very poppy folk music on a ukelele. The artwork for this "owlbum" is awesome. The CD also has a neat music video you can watch if you put the disc in your computer. Check it! 13 tracks.

Captain Chaos - This Is Cake. //// This is the 2nd in a series of 6 albums by Chris Clavin (Ghost Mice, The Devil Is Electric). Written as a birthday present for a special friend of his, this CD contains 25 tracks -- One for each year she's been alive, plus one for good luck. It's really good.

Captain Chaos - Ireland. //// The 4th in a series of 6 albums by Chris Clavin (Ghost Mice, The Devil Is Electric). Here's the description from the booklet and the label's site: "What if you found your journal one day but you had never seen it before? All the dates were at least two years in the future, would you read it? I read 10 pages, six pages about Ireland and four pages about Baja, California. These songs are about those six pages. I didn't write songs for all of them because I didn't want to spoil the ending for you know who." Only 500 are being made. Not as good as "This Is Cake." 14 tracks.

Joe Jack Talcum - Home Recordings 1984 - 1997. //// This is the solo project of Joe Jack Talcum, the singer of The Dead Milkmen. It's all home recordings and acoustic demos he's done of Dead Milkmen songs. Kinda neat if you're a DM fan. 24 tracks.

Nice and Friendly - Nice and Friendly. //// Nice is Friendly is Evan Gornik for Western Springs, IL. He used to play in an awesome mathrock band called "When All the World Sleeps," but for now he plays solo. The music is poppy folk punk. 11 tracks.

imadethismistake - The Bonfire Club CD-EP. //// This is FINALLY out. This is the CD version of imadethismistake's "The Bonfire Club." The CD version consists of 8 tracks. 4 studio, then 4 versions of those songs played live with an orchestra. It's pretty darn awesome! I'll have the 7" version soon.

Coming soon:
Bucky Lee Lewis - Double Disc. //// Like the title says, this is a double disc album from Bucky Lee Lewis. It'll probably cost like 2 bucks. 2 CD's, 2 bucks, comes with artwork...Not too bad of a deal...At least I don't think so. Why not try it out? Should have these really soon.

Vinyl! I'll be getting assorted vinyl. Probably Wax & Wane, imadethismistake, Madeline, and Ghost Mice's new vinyls.

Well...I think that's just about it. Hope you're having a good day.


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