Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I Can't Begin To Compete With You and Everyone Knows. I Know You Know It, Too...

...It's a complicated fear
that grows with every year
and it's walking on it's own, finally
All I can offer are farmer chords,
these simple rhymes and you painted in words
You can sing this when alone
or whistle it through your teeth
and it will feel like home
no matter how far you'll be
from my lonely arms outstretched
just beyond your reach
singing "ooh, baby, please..."

--Ben Gibbard

Whew, yesterday was a fun day.

It started off normal, me dreading going to work. Well, I get there and about 9 minutes after clocking in, Atlanta-tattoo-guy (we don't know his real name for sure...I think it's John) tells me and Johnny to go home. When we get outside, John tells me that I should go over to his house and hang out with him, Trey, and Bethany. So I do. It was a blast. I listened to Trey and Johnny practice for a bit, and then at 1AM we decided to go to Waffle House and meet up with Clay. That's where we called Mark and messed with him because he was drunk. When we got back to Johnny's house, we decided to watch Donnie Darko. Great movie. If you've never seen it, do so. Trey and I attempted explaining the ending of it to Bethany for like 10 minutes. She still doesn't get it. After that, we made fun of rap videos and various other TV shows until like 9AM. Fun stuff. Shortly after that, everyone said their goodbyes and went home. I went to sleep on my couch within like 2 seconds. When I woke up, I had 2 hours 'til work. I wasted it on the internet. Well, I get to work, and pretty much the same thing happened as yesterday. I worked like 50 minutes? It's kinda cool not having to work, but it's a big waste of gas. I haven't even made back my gas money just driving there yet. Oh well.

I need to buy an 8 track recorded. And a PA system. And a good microphone.

I'm getting swamped with bands wanting to play here. The way it's looking, there's gonna be 3 shows next month, all within like a week of each other. Hopefully I can manage to pull it off and have a good amount of people show up to all of them. Check it, yo:

*Thursday, July 18th -- YHC // I Am Only Your Side Effect, An Act of My Own
*Thursday, July 27th -- ACOUSTIC SHOW @ Meeks // AAoMO, Suite 11, The Alcoholic Freshman, Seamas O'Lanigan, imadethismistake, Josh Fletcher, GMST, Natalie Sheppard

*Saturday, August 19th -- ACOUSTIC SHOW @ Meeks // Sloppy Meateaters, Suite 11, GMST
*Monday, August 21st (?) -- First Baptist Church (?) // Farewell Flight, Taking Lottie Home, Motion Commotion, foreverDOWN (?)
*Tuesday, August 29th -- The Black and Gold Center // Dirty Larry, In the Shadow of Victory (?), Parkers Rich (?)


*Monday, October 23rd -- ACOUSTIC SHOW @ Meeks // Peasant, GMST, I Am Only Your Side Effect

*Saturday, November 4th -- YHC (?) // Jon Crocker, I Am Only Your Side Effect


Blogger Stephanie said...

Thursday, July 18? you mean 20th?

7:06 AM  

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