These Days I Can't Stand To Be Alone, But I Don't Make Very Good Company...
I haven't posted here in quite awhile, so I guess it's time for me to let you know what's going on in the world of,
My cat died last night. We had had him for nearly 8 years. Apparently, he contracted some weird blood infection and died 2 days later. We buried him today. We're thinking about getting another, but it won't be the same y'know?
In memory of Zeus the cat:

I just got back from Chicago. It wasn't as bad as it usually is, actually. I went to 2 shows (seeing like 9 bands). At one of those shows, I witnessed one of the most honest live performances I've ever seen. It was beautiful. was the band. They're from Pennsylvania. They know Farewell Flight. I bought a shirt and a demo. Seriously, if you ever get the chance to check 'em out...Do so. I also saw a band with a juggler. That was cool.
Tomorrow I'm going to Pigeon Forge with my dad, his girlfriend, and her 2 kids. I've talked to them like twice in my entire life...It's gonna be so awkward. Oh well.
I'm in the process of writing a zine. It should be out by late this month...Before me & Dave go on the "An Act of Mistakes" Tour.
Yep...We're touring. 3 days with my friend Kyle ( It should be fun, fun, fun.
I got a haircut and it's kinda sucky, but kinda ok...I'm not sure what to think about it yet.
I'm not ready for school to start back. I'm ready to see all of my friends, but not actually get back to work.
I finally got another car. It's an '88 Cavalier convertable. I like it, although it's an old man car.
I hate my job.
This point is pointless and going nowhere. I have no cool story or adventure to tell. I'm done.
My cat died last night. We had had him for nearly 8 years. Apparently, he contracted some weird blood infection and died 2 days later. We buried him today. We're thinking about getting another, but it won't be the same y'know?
In memory of Zeus the cat:

I just got back from Chicago. It wasn't as bad as it usually is, actually. I went to 2 shows (seeing like 9 bands). At one of those shows, I witnessed one of the most honest live performances I've ever seen. It was beautiful. was the band. They're from Pennsylvania. They know Farewell Flight. I bought a shirt and a demo. Seriously, if you ever get the chance to check 'em out...Do so. I also saw a band with a juggler. That was cool.
Tomorrow I'm going to Pigeon Forge with my dad, his girlfriend, and her 2 kids. I've talked to them like twice in my entire life...It's gonna be so awkward. Oh well.
I'm in the process of writing a zine. It should be out by late this month...Before me & Dave go on the "An Act of Mistakes" Tour.
Yep...We're touring. 3 days with my friend Kyle ( It should be fun, fun, fun.
I got a haircut and it's kinda sucky, but kinda ok...I'm not sure what to think about it yet.
I'm not ready for school to start back. I'm ready to see all of my friends, but not actually get back to work.
I finally got another car. It's an '88 Cavalier convertable. I like it, although it's an old man car.
I hate my job.
This point is pointless and going nowhere. I have no cool story or adventure to tell. I'm done.
I've definately built some respect for the suite 11 sounding music, the music and lyrics are different from what they are normally paired with, but it collaborates well.
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