Sunday, November 13, 2005

Tonight Is the Night We Change . . . Tonight, It Will Never Be the Same

In an amazing turn of events, I did indeed get to go to the afore mentioned show with Beth (and Kalisa)! It was really fun, except the halfway getting lost in Atlanta part. We got home at like...2AM, but it was worth it.

8:30AM this morning. I wake up, lay in bed, get up, lay back down, get up again at 8:45, grab some clothes and a towel, take a shower, dry off, put clothes on, and then go to the redneck mall -- Wal*Mart(!) -- to get my pants. It turns out, the first pair I touch are my size! Woohoo! So now, after paying of course, I embark on my trek back home, Dickies 30 x 32 workpants at my side. And the waiting begins.

I threw my pants in the washer (cause I always wash my clothes before wearing them), and sat around until about 4. That's when I started getting dressed. After I got done with that, I headed up to town to meet Dave and Spiva at Wendy's. We giggle, point, order, eat, chuckle, talk, eat, laugh, and throw away our trash. It 'twas very fun.

From Wendy's, Dave ran me to Kalisa's house, where we proceeded to anticipate Beth's arrival. After about 10 minutes, she rolls up and we hop in ze car. Off to Huddle House we go! When we arrive, it's like a nursing home field trip. . . Old people are EVERYWHERE. Kinda weirded me out, but anyway -- We ordered and went over to the jukebox and got some spifftantacular songs played. So go us!

Onward to the dance! We get there and go in. I am greeted with blasting rap music. Joy. So yea, we jsut kinda stood around for a bit and then decided to go "dance." I really suck at that. All I know are stupid dances. Haha, oh well! I had fun. After a bit of that, Dave comes up and tells me we're playing later than scheduled. . . Great. Anyway, Beth and I danced and walked around for awhile and in what seemed like no time, it was time for me to go play!

After flicking the power on the amp and playing a little bit of "So It Goes," we're starting. Everyone is screaming and it's great. I dance and jump a lot on stage. Both me and Spiva were out-of-tune on "Sugar We're Goin' Down." That stupid saddle thing kept falling on me too. . .I finally just said screw it and started jumping on it. Hopefully the videos / pictures come out alright.

Once the organized on stage chaos ceased and people stop talking to me, me and Beth "danced" (random hand and feet movements) for awhile, but then decided that the whole dance started sucking, and we wanted to go bowling instead.

We get to the bowling alley, get our shoes, and we're good to go. I picked one of those hot pink balls (that weighs like...4 lbs) and Beth(ian) got a purple 10-pounder. We bowled, and after numerous gutterballs on both sides, the game was over and I was the victor! 63 - 21. After we returned that shoes ( that part made me sad :( ), we decided to go in the arcade, game room-y thing. The one game we wanted to play, air hockey, was out or order . . . So we improvised and played it with bouncey balls. Fun stuff!

All in all, I had an excellent weekend. The only downside is that I hafta be up at the tree farm by 9 tomorrow morning to load our gear. Until next time, fellows and ladies.


Blogger Stephanie said...

im glad everything went so well. i wish i could have gone, jsut to see you guys play, but i ahd to work. Thursdays show will be here anyday now. so thats exciting. (also i found my username and password)

12:54 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

im the opposite. (when it comes to journals and writing). here i cant think of too much, i usually find my journal and downsize it to a few paragraphs and type it up here.

4:53 PM  

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